Friends of this column, I want to chew over a thorny issue from this morning's paper with you, if you can bear it, that is! We all saw it, right there on p.94 of the local Onion News, didn't we, and I want to address it head on - it's going to be "the elephant in the room" in a lot of homes, today, isn't it.
Here's the one I mean:
And here's the thing - a lot of nervous drivers like to practise on the pavement, that's true, but accidents can even happen even there sometimes. Young local nervous man McCormick seems to have avoided trouble so far, and good luck to him, let's hope his luck holds out!
Neighbours' driveways and back yards are sometimes looked on as another safe option for the nervous novice driver, but accidents can happen even there - ask top golfer Tiger Woods if you don't believe me! Woods, a confident man on the golf course, like many top sportsmen, famously becomes like a quivering jelly, a nervous wreck, whenever he gets behind the wheel.
Remember this story from 2009, which was pretty much a scoop for sports channel ESPN's car accidents desk, when the guys there broke it?
And, for myself, I confess I always think of Tiger when I have "smashes" and "scrapes" (no pun intended!), not just in my neighbours' driveways, but even in my own, would you believe! A week or so ago, I scraped our little Honda Jazz against a tiny 9" high brick wall that bounds our driveway, but it's a wall which is too small to show up very obviously in rear-view mirrors or wing mirrors, which is a pity: a design flaw, in my eyes, but your views welcome on this one!
My sad story was picked up by ESPN - you may have seen it last week? Anyway, no real harm done, and today a young guy Zach from local mobile car-body repair specialists Revive! UK (out of Petersfield, Hampshire) stopped by our house today to repair the damage, so that's all good!
(left) Revive! Hampshire's top repair guy Zach, fixes the damage, and
(right) my wife Lois pads out of the house in her bedroom slippers (!) to give it the okay.
behind Lois can be seen the offending 9" brick wall that caused all the "furore" (!)
(left) how ESPN "broke" the story last week, and (right) this morning's
text from Revive! UK's Zach, to say that he is on his way
[Is that all you two "noggins" have done today, Colin - waited in for Zach to "iron out" a few scratches on your front wing? - Ed]
No it isn't all that we've done today, if you'll just hold your horses for a moment, Ed!
Woods' famous "prang", driving around in his neighbour's yard back in 2009, has turned into something of a celebration in his local Windermere Florida community, marked every 10 years by colourful processions, dancing, special meals and other miscellaneous traditions, I believe.
flashback to 2019: local Windermere, Florida TV channel 2
marks the first decennial celebrations of the event
"Tiger Woods Day", however, in the UK at least, can't yet rival Pancake Day, with its myriad colourful events happening around the country at this very moment - they're almost "legion", especially here in Hampshire UK and other parts of the South, as BBC Hampshire Desk reports, courtesy of ace reporter Gareth "Scoop" Clark:
Kudos here to 44-year-old Ben Hodgkinson, who beat local women to first place in Wallingford's "Race Around Market Place" - one up for the men of the region, isn't it!
the women of Wallingford, Berkshire, do their best,
but they can't match 44-year-old area man Ben Hodginson
- Kudos, Ben !!!!!
As for Lois and me, however, our coveted "best pancake day achievement" award must go to staff on the local Isle of Wight Red Funnel Lines (see BBC report above), for their innovative "hurling of a pancake to one another, between different locations", locations not specified, but Lois and I suspect that this may be a guarded way of referring to the ports of Southampton and Cowes.
"How did you work that one out, Colin and Lois?", I hear you cry. [Not me, I've already given up on this post and gone to the pub: all enquiries to the Dog and Duck! - Ed]
Well, seeing as how you're all "gagging" to know our methods, Doctor Watson (!), well, Red Funnel only work the Southampton-Cowes route, so it would have been a no-brainer for a Sherlock Holmes. It's Whitelink Ferries that do the Lymington-Yarmouth route, and only them and HoverTravel who cover the "From Portsmouth" options.
Simples! Or should I say "Elementaries, my dear Watson" (!) !
Again, for Lois and me today, it's very much the story of a simpler version of the above, and the story is one of our traditional rituals of "up and down, and in and out" between various "locations", mostly within the confines of our frying pan (!). Call us dyed-in-the-wool stick-in-the-muds, but we're pretty "vanilla" when it comes to most things we do! [You don't say! - Ed]
the end result is a big yum-yum of a dessert, with lashings of
brown sugar and lemon juice: a bit of an experiment
because Lois has used wholemeal flour, as she's watching her diet
carefully at the moment, but all is well, I can now exclusively reveal
20:00 With stomachs pleasantly filled with pancake, we decide to go to bed with our brains finely tuned also, by seeing the grand final of our favourite TV quiz, Only Connect, which test lateral thinking.
It's the final so presenter Victoria has lined up some typically devilish questions for the two teams. See how many of these "doozies", YOU can work out the connections for (!).
Here's a picture question:
Look at the four pictures at the bottom of the screen, illustrating 4 famous films - Bombshell, Bucket List, Gaslight, and Groundhog Day, and the connection is that they all gave rise in the UK at least, to popular phrases now in common parlance:
"But are bombshells always blonde, do you get brunette bombshells as well?", Lois and I ask at this point - just between ourselves, we don't bother to call in to the programme, needless to say! But perhaps we should be told?
Just today, this afternoon, when we were in bed for "nap-time", Lois was reading me out an article from next week's Radio Times, which "plopped" through our letterbox just today. It's an interview with Welsh actress Lucy Boynton, who'll be on ITV soon, playing Ruth Jones, the last woman to be hanged for murder in Britain, way back in 1955.
Maybe we haven't advanced as much as we think, in the last 50 plus years! Your views welcome, so get those postcards flying in, won't you!
But wouldn't "Women Who Say F*** It" be a super title for a new film! Am I right? Or am I right!
I wonder.....!
But I digress!!!! Back to "Only Connect", and here's one of tonight's "sequence" questions.
Can YOU guess the fourth element in this sequence?
I think you've "nailed" this one already, haven't you. Yes, it's got nothing to do with English/British monarchs at all, is it, it's the sequence of the four US Presidents that were called William, of course!
It was William Henry Harrison who died soon after taking power, William McKinley who was assassinated, Howard Taft was William Howard Taft, and so the fourth William in the sequence has to be Bill Clinton, as the team works out.
And presenter Victoria congratulates the team for coming up with one of the many acceptable answers here. The team's answer was
"William IV was Governor of Arkansas".
Yes blushes spared haha!
Will this do?
[Oh just go to bed! - Ed]
22:00 We go to bed - zzzzzzzz!!!!!