Saturday 25 May 2024

Friday May 24th 2024 "Our 'perfect day' gets shelved again - oh dear!"

People never like changes of plan, do they. Have you noticed? Especially when it's kind of a last-minute change of plan.

Oh dear, you've got to feel sorry for those long-suffering Paradigm Marketing middle-managers haven't you!

Well, they're not the only ones in that position, I can exclusively reveal, because today was going to mine and Lois's "perfect day" - nothing in the diary, nothing on the calendar, so we can do what we like, we thought. 

Aha!!! So let's see! Our planning meeting last night sketched out the following plan:

Our Friday will start with me doing a bit of my early-morning "hoity-toity" research for my upcoming so-called "talk" to our local U3A "History of English" group, while Lois snoozes upstairs; followed by us going out for a coffee-and-cake, and taking a morning walk somewhere with a nice view of the 700-million-year-old Malvern Hills -  followed, finally, by an afternoon in bed. 

That's a top day in our book.

It's 6 am and here I am in the kitchen working on my 
hoity-toity so-called "talk": it's the start of a "perfect day" - or IS it?

Well, the day starts off all right, with me at the laptop in the kitchen. For my so-called "talk", I'm trying to track the movements of a bunch of ancient tribes who once all lived together but then "fanned out" all over Asia and half of Europe. 

Obviously they were all trying to avoid each other, so I imagine there were "irreconcilable differences", as they say in the divorce courts. But why? Was there one big almighty bust-up, at a party maybe? Was it something somebody said? We'll probably never know now, which is a pity! If YOU know, drop me a line, won't you haha!

It's difficult to imagine it now, but thousands of years ago, the Finns and the Hungarians were next-door-neighbours, living in the pleasant 300-million-year-old Ural Mountains, but they obviously must have hated each other's guts when you look at where they live now - my goodness!!!!

Confused? Well, I don't want to give out any "spoilers", but you definitely WILL be confused if you're unlucky enough to hear my so-called "talk" next month, that's for sure. Make sure you've got a plausible excuse ready, in case you get an invite haha!!!

10:00 A whatsapp message from our daughter Sarah, means that mine and Lois's plans for "the perfect day" go out the window, however. 

Sarah, who moved back from Australia last year with Francis and their 10-year-old twin daughters, often comes to stay the weekend with us, bringing the twins, which is a joyous experience, but we weren't expecting them this particular "weekend", which will actually be a "long weekend", i.e. 3 days, because it's a bank holiday on Monday.

flashback to May 2023: Francis, Sarah and the twins
on their return from 7 years in Australia

The family were meant to be taking their tent and camping in Cornwall this weekend, but they haven't been able to find a "pitch" at a camping-site that wasn't too expensive, Sarah says. Lois and I know that Francis is kind of a quixotic guy who likes to make decisions at the last minute, so we speculate that he simply left it too late to get a place - but we're not sure about that, obviously.

It'll be great to see Sarah and the twins again this weekend, but it means that Lois and I will have to spend today getting ready for them - their beds have been stripped and their sheets are all unwashed and/or unironed, and as usual their beds are currently in their everyday role of acting as our repository for our "office paperwork". 

our guest double-bed in its normal role
as repository for our "office paperwork"

Yikes! Lots of work!!!!! And not to mention having to put in an online order for an emergency extra grocery delivery for tomorrow morning. Busy busy busy!

21:00 After a hectic day we prepare for bed by watching this week's edition of "Have I Got News For Me", the comedy news quiz.

Tonight, the teams have their own ideas why Rishi Sunak chose to call a July election, and to announce it outside 10 Downing Street in the middle of a rainstorm, when he was going to look ridiculous in his soaking-wet suit.

Aha! Suddenly Rishi's "crazy idea" is beginning to make a lot of sense, isn't it haha!

22:00 We go to bed - zzzzzzzzz!!!!!

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