Saturday 8 June 2024

Friday June 7th 2024 "Frau Rommel - did her birthday help to shorten the war?" I think we should be told!

Dear reader, have you ever experienced moments of acute tension, followed by an almost instantaneous sense of relief when everything in your universe suddenly seems all right again?

It's an exhilarating feeling isn't it - and very life-affirming. And yes, it makes you feel glad to be alive. You've felt that feeling too, haven't you!

Like local woman Sarah Whiteman from the lovely Worcestershire village of Nob End [source: Onion News]:

Well, I feel a bit like Sarah Whiteman at teatime today, heavily relieved, because my zoom presentation on the Hungarian language to our local U3A "History of English" group, is suddenly over. I had at last proved, beyond reasonable doubt, and with all the academic precision I was able to muster, that [quote] "Hungarian is nothing like English and has had zero effect on the development of our language" [unquote]. 

I "unwind" with a celebratory "G and T"
after proving my thesis "beyond all reasonable doubt"
that Hungarian "has no connection with English"

And I think I can say without fear of contradiction, that the other members of our little group felt a similar sense of relief when I at last stopped talking to them, or should I say "at them", which was nice! Just by chance, I happened to glance at my watch, so I can today exclusively reveal that that game-changing moment was almost exactly about 1600 British Summer Time (1700 Central European Time). Historians please note haha !!!!!

16:30 When my wife Lois and I have had time to "unwind" a bit more on the couch, she tells me some of the "doozies" among the stories she's been reading in her copy of "The Week" magazine, while I was delivering my historic lecture this afternoon.

There's been a lot of talk about the 80th anniversary of D-Day this week. The allied landings in Normandy in 1944 were originally planned to be on June 5th, which two years later in 1946 was destined to be Lois's birthday - no connection, however, haha! However, the landings were delayed by a day due to advice from the allies' meteorologists. 

"The Week" magazine reveals today that the beneficial effects of the allies' fortunate decision to delay the invasion by one day, were compounded by a devastating mistake on the Germans' side. The German forecasters, who admittedly had less access to weather data from the Atlantic than the allies did, actually wrote off all chances of an imminent invasion for maybe a week or more, and many German troops were actually allowed to go away on leave. 

Even Rommel himself went home to Germany - by coincidence it was his wife's birthday - small world isn't it! And who knew that the so-called "Desert Fox" had a romantic side to his personality?

As Lois says, it was obviously "meant to be", wasn't it.

16:30 We stay on the couch - we're like that once we "settle in" haha! And we do the puzzles from next week's Radio Times. We score a reasonable 7 out of 10 on the intellectually prestigious Eggheads" questions this week. See how many of these "doozies" YOU know haha! 

"What about the "Popmaster" questions?", I hear you cry. [Not me! - Ed]

Well, we're holding off on those this week, because we're expecting our daughter Sarah to ring the doorbell soon, because she and her 10-year-old twin daughters Lily and Jessica are spending tonight and tomorrow with us, and, as a mere 47-year-old Sarah is slightly more up on post 1990 pop music than Lois and I are. [You don't say! - Ed]

Sarah arrives about 6:30 pm bringing the twins and the family's weekly washing with her - the washing machine back at their rental home in Alcester, still hasn't been fixed. What's that all about eh? What madness !!!!

the family's laundry basket that Sarah has brought with her
- I can hardly lift it!  What madness !!!!!

At last now, with Sarah's help, we can tackle the Popmaster questions in the Radio Times, which is nice, and we score a respectable 7 and a half out of ten.

Then we settle down to another birthday tea for Lois - her birthday was actually on Wednesday, or "D-Day minus One", as we're now calling it, and I took her out for a birthday lunch to a local pub The Plough and Harrow. 

Tonight, in her honour, we have beefburgers followed by the "boughten" birthday cake that Morrisons Supermarket delivered this morning. Yum yum!

And that's the way you do it!

Will this do?

[Oh just go to bed! - Ed]

22:00 We go to bed - zzzzzzzz!!!!!

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