Saturday 24 August 2024

Friday August 23rd 2024 "Come back, Bill Clinton, all is forgiven haha!"

Everybody seems to be "moving out" these days, don't they. Even prisoners, would you believe! It's all over the papers this week, isn't it [all reports courtesy of Onion News].

But there's a surprising problem, not yet highlighted by the media, and it's a problem especially for all these prisoners who these days decide they "want out".

As I expect you know that landlords and property owners insist on residents paying them a security deposit at the start of their "tenancy", and they don't give it back when the "tenant" eventually leaves, unless the room or flat or whatever is left 100% "spick and span", and "cleaned within an inch of its life" (!). 

Well,  your probably DIDN'T know, but it's exactly the same thing with prison cells. And yet at the same time the cleaning equipment and facilities that these prisoners need is frequently denied to them. Either that, or they simply lack the time to clean up before making their escape - one or the other, usually.

Well, nobody can blame the governor for taking the repair money out of Jurek's security deposit - after all, our prisons' budgets have all been cut to the bone recently, haven't they. 

And it isn't just prisoners who tend to suffer these "trials" (no pun intended!). All over the world, even the high and mighty have to go through the same anguished cleaning frenzies when the time comes to leave.

Remember when Bill Clinton left the White House all those years ago, back in January 2001?

Poor Bill !!!!!

And my medium-to-long suffering wife Lois and I find ourselves reminiscing, with a smile, about the much-publicised "landlord issues" that furrowed the brow of Bill, our favourite American ex-President, as we sip our morning coffee and dunk our digestive biscuits in it on the patio today.

the talk this morning is all about Bill Clinton, our favourite American
ex-President, as my medium-to-long-suffering wife Lois and I
sip our coffee and 'wolf down' our biscuits on the patio today 

Security deposits and 'all that malarkey' are very much on our minds at the moment - because our daughter Sarah is having a tough old time right now, trying to clean up, and leave in mint condition, the home that she and husband Francis and the twins have been renting in Alcester for 15 months.

flashback to June 2023, the day the family moved into their rental home 
in Alcester: Sarah can just be seen standing in the open doorway

They've been renting that house ever since they arrived back in the UK last year after 7 years in Australia. Now however, they've decided to move back "down under", mainly because of Francis's health issues. So, as well as cleaning the house, Sarah has at the same time been packing all their stuff away for shipment by sea. And on top of that, during working hours, she's been having to "hand over" to co-workers all her job duties at the Evesham accountancy firm where she works. 

And on September 4th, in less than 2 weeks' time now, they're all flying off from London's Heathrow Airport. Sarah starts her new job in Perth, Western Australia only a few days after landing there

Yikes! Poor Sarah !!!!   Talk about stress !!!! Sarah is clearly suffering from "stress overload" right now, that's for sure. 

Sarah is still going to be working part-time for her firm in Evesham even after she starts work in Perth. And her boss here thinks she'll be able to "write off" for tax purposes any trips back to the UK, which will mean that Lois and I will get to see her more often than we thought we would, which will be nice.

It hardly seems any time since they arrived back in the UK last year.

flashback to May 2023: our daughter Sarah, husband Francis
and twins Lily and Jessica arrive back in the UK after 7 years
in Perth, Western Australia

May 2023: Sarah anxiously tracks the family's "stuff", then 
somewhere in the Bay of Biscay off the French coast,
on its long way back by ship the 9000 miles from Australia, 
now it's all got to be shipped back again. Oh dear !!!!

Yes, oh dear, to put it mildly!!!!

Sarah and the twins will be visiting us tonight (Friday) and staying over, so Lois and I will have to try and "de-stress" Sarah as much as we can during their 24 hour visit.

Even Prime Ministers need to "de-stress" occasionally, don't they. 

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer "de-stresses" with a beer

And this morning an email comes in from Steve, our American brother-in-law, noting, along with respected commentator "Politico",  that "Today is Keir Starmer’s 50th day as prime minister — which means that by tonight, he’ll have outlasted Liz Truss’ epic (!)  stint in No. 10" [my exclamation mark in brackets]

Adds Politico, "Whether Starmer can also outlast a lettuce remains to be seen.", believed to be a reference to the famous "contest", organised by the press and sponsored by the Daily Star, between Liz Truss and the lettuce, as to which would "wilt" first (!).

Politico's final comment is, "That pint, when [Starmer] clocks off at 6 p.m. tonight, will taste especially sweet … except that the nation first has to face one more spectre from the Truss days. Yep, rising energy bills are back."

Oh dear, thanks for the reminder, Politico, haha! Well, Lois and I are not going to think about energy bills for now. Let's just enjoy the moment, and, at 6 pm 'have a beer along-a Keir' !

It's 6pm, and I opt to "have a beer along-a Keir"
to show my solidarity with the poor guy...

...while Lois checks our lettuces for signs
of "going to seed", just to be on the safe side!

Are there any signs yet that Keir is "going to seed" like some of Lois's lettuces? I think we should probably be told, don't you?

Poor Keir !!!!!

What a crazy world we live in !!!!!

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