Thursday, 13 February 2025

Wednesday February 12th 2025 "Baby Liam's making the local headlines again, I see!"

Did you see there's yet another story about local baby Liam Henderson in this morning's papers. If anybody in Hampshire is destined for stardom, it's that little guy! 


Awwwww (again) !!!! And did you notice how little Liam's toes came to the rescue, and provided a welcome distraction for the little mite, which was nice! 

Little Liam's "stamping-around ground" (!): Sandy Balls Holiday 
Village and Leisure Club. You'll find it just north west of local
Hampshire beauty spots Criddlestyle and Stuckton

And reading the latest Little Liam story this morning [Source: Onion News Local East Hampshire] makes my medium-to-long-suffering wife Lois and me slightly envious. Our toes aren't a welcome distraction to us any more, that's for sure - almost the opposite, in fact! 

Well, we are 78 (and counting!) and we were recently diagnosed by our doctor as "clinically old", so what can you expect! 

And we've noticed how we no longer have no even elderlier relatives - is that the correct comparative form? [No! - Ed]. Okay, well as I was saying (!), we seem to have no elderlier relatives any more saying to us things like, "Look at your little toesies! I could eat them right up!", before grabbing them and saying "I've gotcha, I've gotcha! Yes, I have, yes I have!"

A pity! 

But at least Zoe, our new podiatrist, tells Lois and me this morning that we've got QUOTE "lovely skin" UNQUOTE on our feet, which, she says, "don't look too gnarled", which we take as a compliment, despite its implied comparison with the rest of our bodies (!).

Podiatrist Zoe (left) and Chiropractor Kathy, who share 
a premises here in Grayshott

It's our first visit to Zoe's clinic in Grayshott, just a few miles away from us here in our new hometown of Liphook, Hampshire, which we moved to on January 3rd.

Maybe you too are one of their clients? A lot of people are, particularly in this area.

Even if you are a client, however, here's something about Zoe and Kathy that you probably don't know. They're quietly stockpiling toilet rolls, just like Lois and I did during COVID (!). I counted around 50 in the clinic's loo. Keep this info to yourself, obviously, but it's the place to come if there's ever another loo roll shortage: and I'm sure that Zoe and Kathy would let you have a roll from their "hoard", if you're desperate (!).

just a few of Zoe and Kathy's "loo roll hoard"
- I counted at least 50 rolls in their unisex loo, before giving up!
Keep this to yourself, though, we don't want other 
loo-roll enthusiasts loo-ting them [no pun intended (!)] 
if there's ever another shortage! 

us this morning, waiting to see Zoe, of "Toe'riffic Toes Podiatry"
and remember - nothing says you're old, like having to have your 
somebody cut your toenails for you haha (!)

Apart from that Lois and I spend part of the day getting ready for what could prove the shock of our long old age - having somebody young coming to stay for a week, starting on Saturday. Yes, it's Josie, our 18-year-old granddaughter, who lives in nearby Headley.

Josie's got her A-Levels coming up this summer and she wants to spend the school half-term studying and doing her pre-exam revision, and doesn't want to join her parents and younger siblings on their week's break in Copenhagen next week. Copenhagen is the city where the family spent 7 years (2012-2019), when Josie's father, hotshot lawyer Ed, was heading up an international conglomerate's legal department.

flashback to last Sunday: Lois and I get invited to lunch by our daughter
Alison (right) and husband Ed (loading the dishwasher)
and their 3 kids: Isaac (14), Josie (18) and Rosalind (16)

Yikes! Somebody young sharing our house !!!!!

Well, we've already amassed a selection of "Right Said Fred" CDs for Josie to listen to when she's not studying. We understand that "Right Said Fred" are the "happening" group that kids are all obsessing about these days - yes, Lois and I "keep our ear to the ground" on these kind of issues and we believe we're in touch with today's vibe, no question! 

My medium-to-long-suffering wife Lois and me (left), revelling in the prospect of 
"getting down with the kid"  - 18-year-old granddaughter Josie next week
in our new-found  passion for "happening" group Right Said Fred (right - said Fred!)

I'm also planning, some of the 6 evenings, to play, on the piano, my own new specially-written "take" on the group's current "smash", 'I'm Too Sexy (For My Shirt)', a specially extended version of the song with, like, a billion variations (more, probably!) altogether lasting approximately 90 minutes, which will hopefully liven up some of the evenings next week, if the conversation ever threatens to flag (!).

I used to play unprofessionally, you know. I was once hired by our other daughter Sarah to play the music for zero fee at her 2010 wedding to husband Francis at Victorian polymath John Ruskin's former house on Lake Coniston in the English Lake District. 

flashback to June 2010: our daughter Sarah's wedding to
Francis at Victorian polymath John Ruskin's former home,
Brantwood, on Lake Coniston in the English Lake District

On the day, only the unexpected good weather stopped my scheduled piano recital from taking place. Sadly, guests at the reception elected to go outside  "to enjoy the sunshine", and I was left inside on my own in Ruskin's "music room", playing chopsticks and other personal favourites on Ruskin's original piano.

Poor me !!!!!!!

flashback to June 2010: me rehearsing for my performance
at our daughter Sarah's wedding reception at Victorian polymath
John Ruskin's house, Brantford, a performance which was
cancelled due to good weather, which was a pity

And I often think about "what might have been", if my performance that day had actually taken place. Could it  have been the "kickstart" to my musical career, "my moment", the very chance that I'd been waiting for for years and which, sadly never, came again (?). 

I wonder.....!

[Is that all you two "noggins" have done today, Colin? Gone to a podiatrist and spent an hour on her little bed while she cut your toenails? - Ed]

Well, seeing as how you're asking (!), we've actually been quite busy, I'll have you know!

Apart from getting the right "sounds" ready for Josie, in the form of our little pile of "Right Said Fred" CD's, we've also got to make Josie's rooms look respectable: we're planning to let her have a suite of rooms - bedroom 2 to sleep in and Bedroom 3 for a study room.

This means trying today to move some of the general clutter in them out to either Bedroom 4, or onto the landing. There's a bunch of stuffed toys, for example, that we've had to find a temporary home for on the landing.

we try to "de-clutter" what's going to be Josie's temporary 
bedroom next week, by moving our collection of stuffed toys
out on the landing, next to the laundry basket

Poor stuffed toys !!!!!

This hoard of stuffed toys is actually a collection we're looking after, or "curating" as people say nowadays (!), on behalf of Lily and Jessica, our 11-year-old twin grandchildren in Australia. Last September, the twins' mother, our daughter Sarah, together with husband Francis, started a new life in Perth, and the twins have just last week started  at a local school over there.

flashback to last Sunday: we talk on whatsapp to our daughter Sarah
and her 11-year-old twins Lily and Jessica, 9000 miles away in Perth, Australia

Lily and Jessica are always keen to hear the latest news on their beloved and much-missed stuffed toys, especially Rover the stuffed dog, and Buckles the unicorn.

Lois and I have been very conscientious in looking after Rover, Buckles, Black-and-white Cat and the rest, over the last few months, sending the twins creatively inspire fake news-letters and some heavily-staged photographs, which I feel is the least we can do (!).

(left) on the couch with Lois, and (right) watching their favourite
TV show, the Australian import "Colin From Accounts" about
dog-on-wheels Colin' adventures with their adopted mum Ashley

(left) Rover, apparently getting ready for his morning "walkies" and (right)
spending an afternoon in bed with long-time buddy Buckles the Unicorn.

Awwww (again) !!!!!!

21:00 After a hard day getting our toenails clipped and getting Josie's room(s) ready, Lois and I collapse on the couch and go to bed on the last half-hour of Sunday's re-run of "The Wheeltappers and Shunters Social Club", the old 1970's series that attempted to recreate the sometimes rowdy atmosphere of a typical Saturday night's entertainment at a working men's club in the north of England.

This show has become a regular "fix" for Lois and me, to put it mildly (!). But I see a bout of "withdrawal symptoms" coming up for us, and here's why!

Unfortunately, un-genial "turn manager" and club chairman Colin Crompton has a shock announcement at the end of tonight's show - that there won't be a programme next Sunday, because club members are going on an outing to Blackpool, and the show from there isn't going to be televised, which is a pity.

That one just never gets old, does it!  

Will this do?

[Oh just go to bed! - Ed]

22:00 We go to bed - zzzzzzzz!!!!!

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