Wednesday 2 October 2024

Tuesday October 1st 2024 "Have YOU got a budding 'frontman' in YOUR family? Bet you haven't haha!"

Have YOU got a rock star in YOUR family???? Or even a potential or "budding" one maybe? I think a lot of us have these days, don't we. And if so, I bet the band he, or she, (or whatever (!)), are in is well up on what it takes to succeed in the sometimes cut-throat world of rock! Am I right or am I right!

One of our local rock groups, here in rural West Worcestershire, "Order of Magnitude" (great name or what?!!!)  is going from strength to strength, that's for sure. Just take a glance at a recent review, published in the local print edition of Onion News, only last week, I think, so this is coming to you "hot off the press", dear Readers!!!!


Is 'Order of Magnitude' on its way up? Or is it on its way up! And can you imagine the excitement in the Webber and Mansfield families over at the lovely local Worcestershire village of Nob End, on seeing this scorching-hot review come out, the first of many, I have no doubts about THAT!

proud mum Sandra Webber (49) with son Karl (18),
bassist with up-and-coming Nob End-based band
Order of Magnitude, recently sacked from the band
for having sex with the drummer's girl-friend

And that excitement must be something like the excitement being felt by my medium-to-long-suffering wife Lois and me, as we lie in bed this morning, here in Malvern, Worcestershire, fantasising about the prospects for our own 14-year-old grandson Isaac, frontman for his Hampshire band, with its 3 cute girl guitarists and its shy male drummer - the band we saw in action this weekend in a video clip "shared" with us by our daughter Alison.

The band was "hand-picked" to entertain the crowds at the local Fernhurst (W.Sussex) Cricket Awards last weekend - and what a voice frontman Isaac has! And ever since hearing the video clip, Lois and I haven't stopped singing Isaac's "signature song" Beggin' (the 1967 hit by Frankee Valli and the Four Seasons) !!!!

Isaac, with his group of 3 girl guitarists and male drummer 
[not shown] singing the old Four Seasons 1967 hit "Beggin'" at the
prestigious local Fernhurst (W. Sussex) Cricket Awards this weekend

And full credit to Isaac - his voice is only just breaking, so it was physically a strain to get through the band's "playlist" of 10 songs. They went down a storm with the crowd, however, and after the performance they were invited to perform at a local resident's 50th birthday, and invited by another audience member to perform at the local Indian Restaurant.

Seriously, Lois and I think that Isaac's voice and timing is just great. Can he have derived just maybe 1%  of his talent from mine and/or Lois's DNA, do you think?  [No chance! - Ed]

me and my medium-to-long-suffering wife Lois: could future rock-star
Isaac have derived some of his undoubted talent from our "union"
(and by that I don't mean Equity - just saying, haha!)

Fernhurst (W Sussex) today, tomorrow the world! This is the way musical legends get started, people! And remember, you read about them here first!

And by the way, also, don't dismiss the world of rock music as somehow just "trivia", in case you're tempted (!). Remember when the CIA, no less, intervened to save the western world from yet another rock music tragedy?

Have you forgotten that bombshell revelation, way back in 2014, was it?

Onion News had more....

[That's enough Onion News! - Ed]

Wow, how often has the Western World been saved "by a whisker" in this way (!). Somebody up there must be looking after us all, that's for sure. And Putin - so why don't you just give up what you're trying to do, with your crazy so-called "special military operations" (!).

And memories of that CIA "coup" give Lois and me something to laugh about this morning as we wait for the "boffins" at local auto tyre and battery "hot spot" HiQ to fix a leak in the rims around our shiny-new offside rear tyre. 

And manager Nick (slogan: "we promise we won't carry out any unnecessary work") agrees to do the job for free, which has made us into Nick's many local "friends for life". Yes, the hard-nosed world of car batteries and tyres has a soft heart at its heart, that's for sure!    [Aren't there one too many 'hearts' in that sentence? - Ed].

And we're still smiling when we "traipse" and "squelch" our way through the soggy grass on Poolbrook Common this morning - we're simple souls, despite some of our more "hoity-toity" obsessions, as you probably realised long ago (!).

we wait in HiQ's comfortable "waiting area", while the company's
"boffins" seal our rims (or rather just the ones on our tyres haha!):
our own rims are still a bit leaky at times. 
[Anybody got a heavy duty tube of Polyfilla handy haha? (!)]

we "traipse" and "squelch" our way through the soggy grass 
on Poolbrook Common and adjoining woods and "wastelands" (!) this morning 

21:00 What a day we've had! And it's nice to go to bed on something a bit more calming, to put it mildly (!): another relaxing episode of the world's longest running sitcom, "The Last of the Summer Wine" which features the adventures of the mostly elderly residents of a lovely quiet village deep in the Yorkshire Dales.

And tonight, newcomer to this quiet village, the ex-military guy "Hobbo" Hobdyke, continues to make waves with the locals. 

A former SAS secret-agent who saw action in Afghanistan has arrived in the area to try to find the mother who abandoned him after 3 days of tumultuous mothering, way back when. Hobbo's been doing some research - just like Lois has done (!) - and he's discovered that his mother is a Mrs Bradshaw, funnily enough, who happens to live in the dales outside the village.

In tonight's episode "Hobbo" persuades elderly ne'er-do-well Alvin and Hull-based Chinaman Entwhistle (electrician and agent for ancient Chinese medicine) to take him, in Entwhistle's red truck, out into the dales to track down his poor old mother.

"Hobbo" is a bit of a "rough diamond" and altogether a tough guy, admittedly. And in the past week he's been regaling village residents with tales of his "derring-do", and all about how he was dropped by  parachute behind enemy lines in "Afghan" and had to sleep rough in the wastes of Siberia.

His tough new Yorkshire neighbours are sceptical, however. You know what they're like up in Yorkshire, don't you - I expect you can imagine (!). And do you remember that lovely old Yorkshire expression "all leg and no notion", don't you? Well, we hear it again tonight, "in spades" (!).

Oh dear, poor "Hobbo" - combat fatigue AND wax build-up, PLUS chapped lips: surely a fatal threesome of a combination, Lois and I are guessing (!).

[That's enough exclamation marks in brackets (!) - Ed]

And guess what, also - Hobbo is too scared to knock on Mrs Bradshaw's door, and he wants old Alvin to do it for him....(!)

Awwwww!!!!! Poor "Hobbo" !!!!

But it's nice to know, isn't it, that the "hard men" of Britain's SAS have hearts of gold under all the blustering and fustering. Is "fustering" a word? [No! - Ed]

All in all, it's all the most tremendous fun, though, isn't it!

[Oh just go to bed! - Ed]

22:00 We go to bed - zzzzzzzzz!!!!!

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