Tuesday 17 September 2024

Monday September 16th 2024 "Dear Reader, are you fat haha!"

Have you ever tried the famous Mediterranean Diet, friends? A lot of people have, haven't they. But have these people ever thought of the harm they may be doing to others at the same time? 

Onion News (International) has more on this story....

What do you think, pop-pickers? That much-talked-about Mediterranean Diet is worth considering, isn't it. Especially perhaps for me and my medium-to-long-suffering wife Lois, who have long adhered to the so-called North Sea Diet, characterised by generous slices of cake.

But we've been thinking, "Maybe we should change seas?" - is that what people mean by the annoying phrase "it amounts to a sea-change"? I think we should be told, don't you?

the seas of Europe - is it time for Lois and me to 
"change seas", diet-wise? I wonder...... !

A lot of local wives have been taking action already, and influencing their husbands at the same time, like local man Logan Pilkington's wife, known to neighbours, friends and family simply as "Mrs Pilkington". 

Onion News (Local) has more....

Logan Pilkington, whose wife has recently put him on a diet

Well, dieting and "weight-watching" has evidently become a bit of a big deal "in these here parts", as they say "in these here parts" (!), so it's high time that Lois and I climbed laboriously (!) onto the bandwagon, that's for sure, and it's our main point of discussion today as we take our morning walk through "Polly's Orchard". 

And we recall how this sudden concern for our weight was kick-started by last week's news that "There's No Such Thing as Safe Cake" according to a recent Oxford University report in Lois's copy of
"The Week" magazine.

flashback to yesterday - the shock report of an Oxford University
study, that "plopped" through our letter-box and kicked off
a cycle of diet anxieties for Lois and me

dieting - for good or for ill - is the "hot topic", as Lois and I 
take our morning walk today through Polly's Orchard, 
in the lee of the 700-million-year-old Malvern Hills 

And we made a good start yesterday by ordering a new set of bathroom scales - so weight loss should be a "cinch" now, to put it mildly. We feel it's pretty much in the bag today, because our shiny-new scales have "plonked" through our letter-box this morning, which is nice.

our shiny-new Salter bathroom scales from Argos
"plonks" through our letter-box this morning.
Weight loss is now very much "in the bag", which is nice!

The scales have got little "legs" that you can attach to the bottom and use it on carpet, which is a nice touch, so that we can weigh ourselves when we get out of bed, and they'll probably get marginally less fluid spilt on them than they would in the bathroom, which is a handy feature.

I've switched "mode" to stones-and-pounds: call us non-metric "dinosaurs" if you like haha! And I discover that it's accurate to the nearest "quarter-pound" or the nearest 4 ounces, which is impressive too. Watch this space for our readings, starting tomorrow (or possibly the next day haha!!!).

[No thanks, if you don't mind, Colin! - Ed]

And tomorrow, there'll be more exciting deliveries coming. As you know, I lead the local U3A "History of English" group, and I'm due to give a talk to the group next month on "Scots English", so expect some half-baked "Scotticisms" to be swelling my blog's column inches over the next 4 weeks (!). [No thanks, Colin! - Ed]

"Scotticisms" - expect a ton of half-baked Scotticisms
to be swelling my column inches over the next 4 weeks
- you have been warned haha!!!

A book on the subject is due to be delivered tomorrow to the local Post Office at Barnard's Green, where Lois and I will pick it up. After the nearly 2 years we've been living in this new-build home here in Malvern, Amazon still can't find our address, so we have to drive about a mile to pick up our Amazon purchases at this local collection-point. What madness, isn't it!
"Scottish", "Scots", or "Scotch" - it's all a bit of a muddle isn't it.  And just today, one of our group-members, Joe, has emailed me with what he regards as the difference.

So much clearer now! Thanks, Joe!

21:00 We go to bed on this week's edition of Only Connect, one of our favourite TV quizzes, which tests lateral thinking. 

Can YOU see the connection between these 4 "things", I wonder?

Stumped? Well, if I tell you, looking at the fourth "thing", that there was a great actress called Glynis Johns, who was in Mary Poppins, and also a journalist called Rachel Johnson, I think you can fill in the rest, can't you. Yes, they're all famous names "on" another famous name with "on" attached. So we have Glynis Johns "on" Rachel Johnson etc. 

Similarly if I remind you of the 2 politicians David Laws and Nigel Lawson, two politicians, you can see what it's all about, plus Andy Roberts and Andy Robertson, the two sportsmen.

Careful where you aim that dart, John. I'd keep it well away from "double top" if I were you haha!

Tremendous fun, though, isn't it!

[Oh just go to bed! - Ed]

22:00 We go to bed - zzzzzz!!!!!

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