Thursday 26 September 2024

Wednesday September 25th 2024 "Are YOU becoming a regular at the local Nob End Inn's orgies?"

Yes, dear friends-of-this-column! Are YOU becoming a "regular" at the local Nob End Inn's week-long sex orgies in the lovely Worcestershire village of Nob End? 

A lot of people are, aren't they, "in these here parts" as they say "in these here parts" (!). Although not my medium-to-long-suffering wife Lois and I, I hasten to add, we certainly don't take part - it's not "our bag" at all, to put it mildly (!).

[That's enough exclamation marks in brackets (!) - Ed]

But if YOU'RE thinking of "taking the plunge" you might want to think again after reading this story from the print edition of Onion News' West Worcestershire Highlights, that "plopped" through our letterbox this morning.

Yewwww - trusses!!!  There's a bit of a "red flag" right there, isn't there! But at least it gives Lois and me something to laugh about this morning, as we take our walk over Poolbrook Common and sip our coffee at the local Poolbrook Kitchen and Coffee Shop, that's for sure!

"orgies" and "trusses" are the topic of the day as Lois and I
take our walk over the common and enjoy a toasted tea-cake
with jam at the Poolbrook Kitchen and Coffee Shop

Orgies and trusses are certainly not Lois's fantasy, nor mine, and this conviction of ours is further reinforced by my copy of the political fortnightly magazine Private Eye, which also plops through our letterbox this morning. Because this week there's a long review of film-star Gillian Anderson's new book "Want: Sexual Fantasies by Anonymous", which entered the  Sunday Times best-seller lists at No.1 this week.

"Want": Gillian Anderson's new book about sexual fantasies,
which has entered the Sunday Times bestseller lists at no.1

my copy of the fortnightly political magazine 'Private Eye',
which "plopped" through our letterbox this morning,
and which reviews Anderson's book

The Eye's reviewer doesn't think much of Anderson's book,  I think it's safe to say. "All the standard issue erotic turn-ons are here", the review explains, "orgies, having an audience, S&M, sex with celebs, hook-ups involving strangers, sometimes on a train". 

However, it's doubtful, says the review, as to whether these anonymous fantasies are really as representative as the book claims.

The fantasies have been compiled from thousands of anonymous contributions sent to Anderson by email, with contributors chronicling their nationality, ethnicity, religion, salary, sexuality, relationship status. The Eye's reviewer, however, makes the point that there can be no "fact-checking" of these identities, and that people in these kinds of exercise tend to exaggerate or lie about their identity when they know they can't be found out, which is a bit of a "no-brainer" isn't it!

The reviewer also points out that  The magazine's reviewer also points out that 60% of the material in the book appears to come from LGBTQ contributors, whereas ONS's most recent figures for sexual orientation state that only 3.3% of women aged over 16 identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual.

Something wrong there surely haha !!!!

The review talks about its author Gillian Anderson as star of the X Files, the Crown etc, but to Lois and me she's always Sally, the alien from Outer Space living incognito in the US with her alien spaceship colleagues, in the old sitcom "Third Rock from the Sun" - remember that?

In this scene "Sally" shows a childlike delight when she finds out what room service in hotels can do for you, and she is able to break the news joyfully here  to her fellow aliens:

And remember this scene when she's watching the Oprah Winfrey show and wants to contribute a comment in her own inimitably forceful way?

All the most tremendous fun wasn't it! [If you say so! - Ed]

21:00 We go to bed on last night's episode of the Aussie sitcom "Colin From Accounts", a series all about a Sydney couple Gordon and Ashley, and their handicapped dog Colin.

In this episode, Lynelle hosts an inaugural fundraiser for a Sydney branch of WAMAM: Women Against Women Against Men.

WAMAM is apparently a women's anti-feminist movement. Is that a "thing", or has it been invented by the writers just for the series? I think we should be told, don't you? Lois and I have never heard of it, but then we do live in a bit of a bubble here in West Worcestershire to put it mildly - not an area known for keeping up with the latest trends and buzzwords, shall we say (!).

In this scene Ashley (ringed in these pictures below) is sitting in the audience as her mum, Lynelle, on stage, welcomes the audience and introduces a show of anti-feminist songs.

Ashley (ringed) sits in the audience as her mum, Lynelle,
welcomes the audience for WAWAM's inaugural fundraiser

And it isn't long before the show starts with a zinger of a number from activist Helen Yawn

Oh, they don't write lyrics like that any more, that's for sure. 

[That's something to be grateful for at least! - Ed]

Lois and I didn't know what "being triggered" means - it's apparently about having an intense emotional reaction to a stimulus associated with a past trauma. Who knew? 

[I expect a lot of people knew that! - Ed]

And will WAWAM eventually arrive in West Worcestershire? 

Better watch this space! [I'm not holding my breath! - Ed]

But it's all the most tremendous fun, isn't it!

[Oh just go to bed! - Ed]

22:00 We go to bed - zzzzzzz!!!!!

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