Friday, 1 November 2024

Thursday October 31st 2024 " 'Lazy Guy' accidentally restores broken contacts between the US and UK"

Did you see the big story on this morning Onion News (International Edition)? Yes, good old Gary  Morgan, a.k.a "Lazy Guy", has made the first solo Atlantic Crossing in an inner tube from Tyresmart, and at the same time accidentally restored broken contacts  between the US and the UK, not to mention other European countries. Attempts at making the crossing involving larger crews riding in a single inner tube have so far all failed, so it's champagne time, that's for sure!

Yours truly was one of the beneficiaries of Gary's solo feat, and amongst the emails mysteriously diverted to my "spam" directory which lies on a rock off the west coast of Ireland, I have discovered a number of "doozies" from Steve, our American brother-in-law, that had got diverted to Galway Bay or somewhere similar, as the Onion News had "descried".

There are not one, but two amusing Venn diagrams to catch up with.

 That last one is particularly relevant to my medium-to-long-suffering wife Lois and me, as we try to "cleanse" our diet of ultra-processed foods, not entirely successfully, to put it mildly. 

I don't think wine is ultra-processed, at least, which is a relief. And here are a couple of other "doozies" from Steve, which make us feel a lot better - you would not BELIEVE !!!!

And there'll be more "doozies" from Steve to come now, hopefully, so watch this space !!!!!

Otherwise it's a fairly relaxed day today for Lois and me. We take a saunter round the village centre of Liphook, Hampshire, which will be our new home town after we move here from Malvern, Worcestershire. We speak to a nice woman in the Parish Council Offices who tells us about all the clubs and facilities for old codgers here, which is nice. 

Then we have a coffee and a flapjack with all the other old codgers in the coffee shop attached to the town cinema. In the afternoon we take part on zoom in the fortnightly meeting of the U3A Intermediate Danish group, which Lois and I lead, "for our sins" (!).

we have a coffee and a flapjack with the other old codgers 
in the coffee-shop attached to the cinema in Liphook village centre

Meanwhile, 9000 miles away in Perth Australia, under incongruously blue skies, our 11-year-old twin granddaughters, are celebrating Halloween 8 hours early (by our watches (!)) by trick-or-treating round their new-build neighbourhood.

And in Philadelphia Steve reports they've had no rain for 32 days, and the temperature is in the high 80's, even though by tradition it's supposed to be the first day of the 'frost season' there.

What a crazy planet we live on !!!!!

[Oh just go to bed! - Ed]

22:00 We go to bed - zzzzzzzzz!!!!!

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