Friends, did it snow in your "neck-o'-the-woods" last night? Well, if it did, and you're a parent, I hope you made sure your junior-school-age children spent the night inside the house, safely tucked up in bed, or did you forget to check again (!) ??? Oops!!!!!!
And maybe you even took further precautions, like this local family from the lovely Worcestershire village of Nob End. Did you see the Wallace family's story in this morning's Onion News print edition? See page 94 for these heart-warming details!
Here are just some of those scary headlines, but I think they may be just the "tip of the iceberg" (no pun intended!!!!):
I showcase the scenes that my medium-to-long-suffering wife Lois and I wake up to
this morning: even some of our granddaughters' old stuffed toys - 'Black-and-White-Cat'
and his buddy 'Hoppy Bear' - look surprised to see this 'extreme' weather in mid-November.
What a crazy planet we live on !!!!
What madness!!!!!
And today, Lois wastes no time this morning in "whatsapping" those pictures of Black-and-White-Cat and his pal Hoppy Bear to the twins over in Perth, 9000 miles away. Sarah replies to say that the twins are "loving that photo", which is nice!
flashback to February, and happier times: our daughter Sarah with
twins Lily and Jessica before they moved to Australia, in Bedroom 3
of our house, which also doubled as Black-and-White-Cat's "Office":
Hoppy is seated (left) and BWCat is hard at work on his office PC (right)
Awwww (again) !!!!!!
Apart from all that, not a bad day for us. Lois is a bit nervous, because she took a blood test yesterday at the surgery, and our GP said he would phone her about the results this morning - always a worry, when you're 78 'like what we are' [sic], to put it mildly!!! But everything seems okay, only minor issues, she has a new prescription to pick up at the pharmacy tomorrow, and the doctor is pleased with our super-healthy new diet and the weight we've lost: Lois half a stone (7 lbs) and even me 4 to 5 lbs, in the last couple of months, so that's all good.
(right) Lois today taking the call from our GP to discuss the results...
Yes, tonight, we're tucking into what Lois has dubbed "avocado galette surprise".
[What's the surprise? - Ed]
Well, the 'surprise' is simply.... that there's no surprise. Unlike all the TV chefs, Lois has daringly opted not to give it any kind of a "twist" of her own, which is nice!
flashback to 2022, and a typical online meeting
of our group using the zoom software
I've found a real "doozy" of a Scots text which I'm going to ask the group to try and translate into "proper English" (!). See if YOU can understand it: it seems to be about some guy who's been caught stealing some "neddies" [= potatoes] from a farmer's field. And just in case your Scots is only basic-to-intermediate level, as is the case with most of us 'Sassenachs' (including Yours Truly (!)), I've provided a 'helpful' 'glossary'.
I'm not 100% sure, but I'm guessing that Tam is the guy who tried to steal some potatoes from a farmer's field and who unfortunately got shot at by the farmer. And Tam's wife is amazed about what Tam will do for a gunny-sack of potatoes, and lamenting that she personally would rather just have an egg on a piece of toast, than to have to pick the pellets out of Tam's backside, and I see her point!
Do send me your own personal favourite synonyms please (postcards only, as usual (!)).
[That's enough classic Star Trek scenes! - Ed]
Sadly my presentation, also, is going to be a bit "heavy", to put it mildly, so I plan to start it with something a bit "on the lighter side".
Who was it said that in heaven, the engineers are Scots, and the cooks are French, while in hell, the engineers are the Italians, the English are the cooks, or the Germans are the police, or the motorists are the French or that kind of "malarkey"???
To most of us U3A "History of English" group members, who grew up in the 1960's, "Scotty", the engineer from the sci-fi classic series Star Trek, is our picture of the archetypal Scotsman. And sadly, how many times a day do Lois and I find ourselves saying "Beam us up, Scotty" when life in the 2020s just gets far too much for us poor "old codgers" (!!!) ?
us in 1950: (left) me with my little sister Kathy and (right) Lois...
...and us in 2023 - yikes !!!!!
Oh dear! But be that as it may, I'm planning to start my so-called "presentation" with a few classic "Star Trek" scenes, to jog members' memories, like these "doozies"....
Will this do?
[Oh just go to bed! - Ed]
22:00 We go to bed - zzzzzz!!!!!
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