Sunday, 8 December 2024

Saturday December 8th 2024 "Have YOU been 'blown away' by this extreme weather?!!!"

Dear friends, are YOU currently getting "blown away" (physically, I mean!!!) by Storm Darragh (crazy name, crazy storm!) ? Most of us are, aren't we, and particularly here in rural West Worcestershire, when the power went off for 3 hours last night, and people have been resorting to desperate measures, like this local dad, in the lovely West Worcestershire village of Upton Snodsbury (source: Onion News Local).

Poor Allen !!!!!  Let's hope he's feeling better today!!!

And no wonder that some people have reportedly been out at the local Malvern B&Q today, buying up generators, like this guy Andy Denton, from Bell End (same source).

What a crazy world we live in !!!

[That's enough Onion News stories! - Ed]

It's nice, however, to see a storm with a sense of humour, for a change, isn't it. And they're even saying in local pubs that it's hard for Worcestershire's biggest "bar-room wags" to be funny about Storm Darragh, when the Storm itself "beats the crap" out of the local amateur "wise guys" for its natural wit and sense of fun, to put it mildly!

My humorous second-cousin, Ruth, who lives in nearby Kington, close to the Welsh border, tried to raise a titter today when she posted a tongue-in-cheek small-ad on Facebook, only to find that she'd been "upstaged" by Storm Darragh itself, and its crazy antics - what madness!!!

(left) my second cousin and local "internet wag" Ruth's humorous Facebook "small ad",
and (right) Storm Darragh's real-life upstaging response - what madness !!!!!

What a crazy world we live in !!!!

It takes a storm with a real funny-bone to "upstage" my second-cousin Ruth, that's for sure. My dear late mother was a great pal of her first cousin Ruth's father, long deceased of course, and it was a great thrill for her when we visited Ruth for the first time back in 2005, in company of my dear late sister Kathy and her American husband Steve.

flashback to March 2005: I visit Ruth at her Herefordshire home,
and meet her and her 2 teenage daughters: I'm sitting between
my dear late mother and my dear late sister Kathy
- Kathy's husband Steve is taking the picture

Here are some of Ruth's recent Facebook posts from November: just feast your eyes on these "doozies" (!)

Tremendous fun, isn't it!! And singlehandedly Ruth is keeping friends and family in these Anglo-Welsh borderlands laughing, through these very windy times, that's for sure!

It's Ruth's medium-to-long-suffering husband Ralph that I feel most sorry for (!).

Poor Ralph !!!!!

[That's enough about Ruth! - Ed]

Well, back to reality then, if you insist!

12:00 Here I am in storm-torn Malvern, Worcestershire today, Saturday, just in the company of my own medium-to-long-suffering spouse Lois, and we've decided to stay in the house inside on our own, huddled together for the whole weekend, because of the weather forecast, and the County Council's pleas for residents to stay at home and not to travel unless absolutely necessary.

See this report from Worcester News's ace cub reporter, Ryan "Scoop" Smith:

Having to stay in is a pity for Lois, because her church in Tewkesbury in the neighbouring county of Gloucestershire is baptising another Iranian Christian refugee this morning, to be followed by the church's Christmas lunch at the Bell Inn, Eckington. Thanks to modern technology, however, at least Lois can watch the baptism on zoom. And later, church-members post pictures on social media, which is nice. Look at these two "doozies":

(left) Chief Elder Andy baptises another Iranian Christian refugee in his
garden hot-tub, and (right) Iranian and British church-members gather for the "induction"

Staying at home this weekend is nice for me, however, because I like nothing better than just staying in, after a morning walk and maybe coffee with Lois, spending the afternoon in bed with her for "nap-time", and watching TV together in the evening, drinking lots of cups of strong Yorkshire Tea all day without having to think about where the nearest public toilets are etc.... and as I type these words, I realise I am turning into a carbon copy of my dear late mother. Oh dear!

Yes, oh dear - and poor "Nana" !!!!

me salivating with anticipation as I prepare to rip off, with a single pull,
the clingfilm from this jumbo box of 240 Yorkshire Tea tea-bags

We've got to get up early tomorrow morning, anyway, to talk to our daughter Sarah in Perth, Western Australia and our twin granddaughters Lily and Jessica, so why not have an easy day here at home for once? 

[What do you mean 'for once', Colin?!!! - Ed]

Needless to say, the weather down under is a whole different story from the picture here, that's for sure. Storms, yes, but down there it's so-called "humid storms". What are they, when they're at home haha!

What a crazy planet we live on !!!!!

20:00 In the evening, we prepare to get back into bed with new Scottish sitcom "Only Child", in which ageing widower Ken, played by Gregor Fisher, is being helped with his increasing problems of everyday life by his only offspring, Richard (Greg McHugh). 

In tonight's episode Richard has arrived at his elderly father Ken's house to give him his weekly "Name That Remote" test, only to find that his dad has, due to an oversight, absent-mindedly put all the house remotes into the freezer. Easy mistake to make, isn't it!!!

Now, with dad's 4 remotes safely retrieved and arranged on the kitchen table, the weekly "test" can begin:

Oh dear! Painful isn't it, to put it mildly!!!!

Luckily Lois and I have a firm "handle" on which remote is which in our house: all the TV ones, the TV recorder, the Amazon Firestick, the 2 DVD players, the electric fire and the patio awning etc etc.

[That's not what I heard! - Ed]

But what a crazy world we live in. In the year Lois and I were born, 1946, you had to get off your backside and go and turn the ruddy things on and off for yourself!

Unless you "splashed out" for a Powermate Telescopic Channel-Changer from Coleman's, the portable generator people. But who could afford that in 1946? We weren't made of money in those days, you know!

the Coleman Powermate Telescopic Channel-changer
- beyond most people's pockets in 1946, that's for sure (!)

What a madness it all is !!!!!

[Oh just go to bed! - Ed]

22:00 We go to bed - zzzzzzz!!!!

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