18:00 Vi spiser aftensmad og derefter bruger aftenen på at se lidt
fjernsyn: flere episoder af Big Bang Theory (den ottende serie).
21:00 Vi fortsætter med at se lidt fjernsyn. De viser en interessant
dokumentarfilm, der handler om den berømte hollandske maler, Vincent Van
Gogh, og den underlige historie om Vincents øre, som han angiveligt skar af i
Arles, en lille by i det sydlige Frankrig, efter en skænderi med sin kollega,
Paul Gaugin. Efter han havde skåret sin øre af, gik han angiveligt et smut i det
lokale bordel og gave øret til en pige, ved navnet ”Rachel”, der arbejdede i
Mange detaljer af historien er uklare, og eksperterne har ikke været enige
om dem. Nu for første gang har en amatør engelske forsker, Bernadette Murphy,
opdaget mange overraskende detaljer om denne historie, der hidtil ikke var
kendt. For eksempel hun har fundet i USA en notat, skrevet af Vincents læge,
der beskriver de nøjagtige detaljer af såret: Vincent skar faktisk de meste del
af øret af, bortset fra øreflippen.
Bernadette Murphy, en amatør engelsk forsker
Bernadette har også fundet ud af identitet af ”Rachel”, og talt med
Rachels efterkommere, der stadig bor i området. Det er klar, at Rachel ikke var
prostitueret: hun arbejdede i bordellet som rengøringsassistent, og Vincent
havde måske først mødt hende i Paris og kendte hende meget godt. Vincent og
Rachel havde begge to boet i et par år samtidigt i Paris.
Van Gogh-museet i Amsterdam er meget begejstret over Bernadettes
forskning og planlægger en ny udstilling med lægens notat som det centrale
Husk, at det var en amatør forsker, Philippa Langley, der opdagede, hvor
Kong Richard III blev begravet. Det 21. århundrede er guldalderen af amatøre
forskere – det ved jeg med sikkerhed!
Philippa Langley, den amatøre forsker, med sin helt, Kong Richard III
22:00 Vi går i seng – zzzzz!!!
06:00 Jeg står tidligt op og laver én af mine rutinemæssige danske
08:00 Jeg skynder mig ind i køkkenet og laver to kopper te. Jeg bringer
teen op på vores soveværelse, men jeg opdager, at Lois desværre har en dårlig
mave. Hun vil ikke i kirke i dag.
09:00 Jeg går ud i baghaven og luger lidt omkring ét af vores 2
10:00 Lois står op og vi snakker lidt med Sarah, vores yngre datter, der
bor i Perth, Australien. Jeg troede, at hun og Francis, hendes mand, fik
nøglerne til familiens nye hus i fredags, men Sarah siger, at det er næste
fredag, at dette sker. Francis overvejer at leje en lille flyttevogn og en assistent,
for at hjælpe ham med at transportere familiens møbler og ejendele.
Sarah har for en kort periode mindre travlt på sin arbejde, fordi den
australske financielle år er sluttet. Hun kan for tiden arbejde standard timer
(dvs 7,5 timer om dagen). Hun arbejder som revisor for den australske
datterselskab af Burger King, der i Australien hedder Hungry Jack’s.
Sarah foran sin arbejdsplads i Perth, Australien - maj 2016
12:30 Lois har det lidt bedre. Vi spiser frokost og derefter går jeg i
seng og tager mig en lang lur – zzzzz !!!!
14:00 Jeg står op og vi slapper af på terrassen med en kop te, og brød
med hjemmelavet marmelade – nam-nam!
15:00 Jeg kigger lidt på internettet. Jeg ser, at mange mennesker i dag
i Danmark rejser tilbage fra ferie. Vores tre børnebørn i København, Josie (9 –
hun fylder 10 år i september), Rosalind(8) og Isaac (6) skal tilbage i skolen i
morgen (mandag). Jeg kan forestille mig, at der må være en masse aktivitet i dag
i deres hus – det er jeg ikke i tvivl om!
Jeg ser også, at jeg har fået en email fra min veninde i Budapest, der hedder
Tünde. Hun og vi er fælles om at alle vores børn og børnebørn bor i udlandet. Hans
eneste søn, Gábor, er for nylig flyttet til Nürnberg i Tyskland, hvor han
arbejder for et tyske bilfirma. Han bor der for tiden alene i en lille
ét-værelses lejlighed, men han prøver at købe en større lejlighed, så hans kone
og deres to børn også kan flytte til Nürnberg. Stakkels Tünde!
English translation
Saturday, 08.06.2016 at
1630 till Sunday, 08.07.2016 at 1629
18:00 We eat dinner and then spend
the evening watching TV: several episodes of Big Bang Theory (the eighth
21:00 We continue to
watch TV. They show an interesting documentary about the famous Dutch artist
Vincent Van Gogh, and the strange story of Vincent's ear, which he allegedly
cut off in Arles, a small town in southern France, after a quarrel with his colleague,
Paul Gaugin. After he had cut his ear off, he allegedly headed for the local
brothel and gave the ear to a girl by the name of "Rachel" who worked
in the brothel.
Many details of the
story are unclear, and experts have not been agreed on them. Now for the first
time an amateur English researcher, Bernadette Murphy, has discovered many
surprising details about this story, which were previously unknown. For
example, she has found in America a note written by Vincent's doctor describing
the exact details of the injury: Vincent cut off actually the greater part of
the ear other than the earlobe.
Bernadette Murphy, an amateur English researcher
Bernadette has also
found out the identity of "Rachel" and talked to Rachel's descendants
who still live in the area. It is clear that Rachel was not a prostitute: she
worked in the brothel as a cleaner, and Vincent had perhaps first met her in
Paris and knew her very well. The two had both lived in Paris for a few years at
the same time.
The Van Gogh Museum in
Amsterdam is very excited about Bernadette's research and are planning a new
exhibition with the doctor's note as the central element.
Remember, it was an
amateur researcher, Philippa Langley, who discovered where King Richard III was
buried. The 21st century is the golden age of amateur researchers - that I know
for sure!
Philippa Langley, the amateur researcher, with her hero King Richard III
22:00 We go to bed -
zzzzz !!!
06:00 I get up early and
do one of my routine Danish vocabulary tests.
08:00 I hurry into the kitchen and make two cups of tea. I bring the tea up to our bedroom, but I find that Lois unfortunately has a bad stomach. She will not go to church today.
08:00 I hurry into the kitchen and make two cups of tea. I bring the tea up to our bedroom, but I find that Lois unfortunately has a bad stomach. She will not go to church today.
09:00 I go out in the
backyard and weed a little around one of our two apple trees.
10:00 Lois gets up and
we talk a bit on the phone with Sarah, our younger daughter, who lives in
Perth, Australia. I thought she and Francis, her husband, got the keys to the
family's new house on Friday, but Sarah says it is next Friday that this
happens. Francis is thinking of renting a small removal- van and an assistant
to help him carry the family's furniture and belongings.
Sarah is for a short
period less busy in her work because the Australian financial year has
finished. She can currently work standard hours (ie 7.5 hours per day). She
works as an accountant for the Australian subsidiary of Burger King, which in
Australia is called Hungry Jack's.
Sarah outside her workplace in Perth, Australia - May 2016
12:30 Lois is feeling a
bit better. We eat lunch and then I go to bed and take a long nap - zzzzz !!!!
14:00 I get up and we
relax on the terrace with a cup of tea and bread with homemade jam - yum-yum!
15:00 I look a bit at
the Internet. I see that many people today in Denmark are traveling back from
vacation. Our three grandchildren in Copenhagen, Josie (9 - she turns 10 in
September), Rosalind (8) and Isaac (6) have to be back in school tomorrow
(Monday). I can imagine that there must be a lot of activity today in their
house - of that, I am in no doubt!
I also see that I have received an email from my friend in Budapest, called Tünde. She and we share the fact that all our children and grandchildren live abroad. Her only son, Gábor, has recently moved to Nuremberg in Germany, where he works for a German car company. He lives currently alone in a small one-bedroom apartment, but he is trying to buy a bigger apartment, so his wife and their two children also can move to Nuremberg. Poor Tünde!
I also see that I have received an email from my friend in Budapest, called Tünde. She and we share the fact that all our children and grandchildren live abroad. Her only son, Gábor, has recently moved to Nuremberg in Germany, where he works for a German car company. He lives currently alone in a small one-bedroom apartment, but he is trying to buy a bigger apartment, so his wife and their two children also can move to Nuremberg. Poor Tünde!
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